Building Information 建模

Building Information 建模 (BIM) gives a detailed, 3D view of conceptual designs.

Cutting-edge technology unites the disciplines to prevent pitfalls and maximize efficiency.

Project owners can look at the future through 澳门足彩app’s application of Building Information 建模 (BIM). Our teams employ the latest digital technology, as architects and engineers design in software systems that combine the computer-generated 3D modeling and database-driven tools of the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry with those developed in the video game industry to create and fully realize conceptual designs. For the professionals involved in a project, BIM enables a virtual information model to be shared by the design team, the construction team and the owner with each professional contributing discipline-specific data to the shared model. Visualization of all aspects of the project in a single environment allows better coordination and development of designs, enhanced clash detection and greater efficiency.

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